


皇冠博彩’s Office of 学校心理咨询 helps students develop a healthy understanding and respect for themselves and others. The 学校心理咨询 team seeks to increase students’ problem-solving, 决策, 情感管理, and academic skills through individual and group counseling sessions, 课堂演讲, 健康课程, 以及全校的集会.

Archmere’s school counselors provide an atmosphere of security, 温暖, and encouragement as Archmere students work to reach their fullest potential in the areas of academics, 社会, 以及个人性格发展. The solid foundation they create allows Archmere students to successfully manage their lives as healthy, 负责任的, 高效的公民, 谁尊重自己和他人.

The Office of 学校心理咨询 wants students to master the competencies necessary to make informed self-directed, 现实的, and 负责任的 decisions to successfully contribute to society.



  • 咨询心理学家

    Dr. Williams is a licensed clinical psychologist who conducts comprehensive psychodiagnostic and psychoeducational evaluations of children, 青少年和大学生, assessing a variety of learning differences (e.g. 多动症,阅读障碍)在私人执业.  Dr. Williams has collaborated with 皇冠博彩 for several years, providing these types of evaluations for our students.  As a school, we know the value of these evaluations and are happy to partner with Dr. Williams to cover a 25% of the cost of her evaluations of our students. 

    Dr. 威廉姆斯获得了B。.A. 她是威廉姆斯学院的硕士.A. 和Ph值.D. in Child/Family Clinical Psychology at the University of Miami. She completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the AI DuPont Hospital for Children. Dr. Williams was previously a tenured professor in the Department of Psychology at the La Salle University in Philadelphia. There she taught courses related to child and adolescent development, psychopathology, and treatment. She also trained and supervised graduate students in the practice of child/family psychology. Dr. Williams has conducted research and authored multiple peer-reviewed papers on child development and mental health service utilization.  She has also presented her research at national and international conferences. Dr. Williams is also the consulting psychologist at the Independence School and works in private practice.
  • 新生迎新计划

    To welcome the freshmen class into the Archmere community, the 学校心理咨询 Office and 招生 designed a comprehensive orientation program. 每个新生都被分配了一个高年级的“伙伴”,他们一起参观校园, including walking through the freshman’s daily class schedule. Freshmen also participate in team-building and small group activities, 见见他们的指导老师, 并收到他们的课程表.
  • 卫生服务

    There is a full-time registered nurse on staff at 皇冠博彩 to provide health services for all students from 8:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m. 在学校上课的时候. Parents are expected to inform the nurse of any new or ongoing health problems. If you’re a current parent looking for policies and procedures for illnesses, please refer to the student handbook in MyArchmere. 
  • 个别咨询

    皇冠博彩 focuses on the whole student, which includes mental wellness as well as academic wellness. Each student has a designated school counselor who stays with them throughout their time at Archmere.  Students meet with their counselor during the first few months of the school year and are strongly encouraged to meet with their school counselor individually regarding any concerns regarding their academic career, as well as any personal crisis they may be having. All conversations are kept within professional and ethical confidence.
  • 学习服务

    All students can receive academic support through Archmere’s full-time learning specialist. Students with or without documented learning differences who need assistance with organization, 学习技巧, and tutoring can meet with the learning specialist. This position also serves as a resource for parents and faculty as well. Working closely with all members of the 学校心理咨询 Office, the learning specialist ensures the academic needs of all students are met.



  • Counseling Update/Message from the Nurse: October 2023

    咨询更新 & 信息

    In recognition of National Mental Health Awareness Week during the first week of October, our Aevidum Mental Health Club put together daily programming to boost mental health on campus. 每一天, a student leader encouraged students to try a new mental health tip as part of our morning announcements. 这些包括与他人的联系, 尝试有创意的出口, 练习感恩, 和更多的. In addition, the club put together a free activity for students each day.
  • Counseling Update/Message from the Nurse: September 2023

    The school counseling office is pleased to welcome new students and parents. We are especially excited about seeing the returning students and families come back refreshed and ready to take on this upcoming year’s academic and 社会 challenges.


  • 丹妮尔·达夫的照片

    Danyele 鸽子 

    Director of Counseling, 多样性、公平和包容
  • 乔安娜·多洛的照片

    乔安娜 Doroh 

    学校辅导员; Health Teacher
  • 乔纳森 Jezyk的照片

    乔纳森 Jezyk 

    学校辅导员; Psychology Teacher
  • 弗朗西斯卡·皮莱吉摄

    弗朗西斯卡 Pileggi 

    学校辅导员 & 健康处处长
  • 劳伦·沃尔顿照片

    劳伦 沃尔顿 

  • 丽贝卡·亨德里克斯森摄

    丽贝卡 Hendrixson 

    School Nurse; Health Teacher
皇冠博彩 is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.